A 65-year-old man with lung disease was forced to dispose of his own faeces after being left with no water at his sheltered accommodation in Buckinghamshire.

Gordon Ferguson, 65, moved into Gweneth Court, a sheltered retirement accommodation block in Marlow, at the beginning of November to be closer to his daughter, who lives and works in High Wycombe.

The pensioner, who relocated to Buckinghamshire from Scotland to be close to his family for both his physical and mental health said that his condition had worsened on both counts since moving into Gweneth Court, a Red Kite property where he claimed he had experienced 'human rights violations'.

Gordon said that immediately upon moving into the property, he had to contend with a broken boiler which meant there was no heating for the duration of his first weekend. 

He said he had also encountered problems with his toilet system and had been forced to go a period of time without hot water and another with no running water at all.

"I have severe lung disease and when the heating was out, I couldn't get out of bed because I was having chest pains and finding it really difficult to breathe.

"My doctor has referred me for psychiatric help because I'm struggling with my mental health too. It feels like they have put my life at risk in more ways than one."

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The 65-year-old said that at one point, he had to put gloves on and dispose of his own faeces from inside the toilet after a lack of water meant that he couldn't flush.

"It's a violation of human rights. The heating and water should have all been checked before I moved in - it just feels degrading."

Gordon's daughter is currently six months pregnant, and he said he is keen not to impose his difficulties on her but feels he has been left with little choice but to submit a complaint against Red Kite Housing and look into seeking legal action against the provider.

"It's a disgrace. I'm a pensioner who just moved here and they're messing about with my mental health."

Julie Gamble-Kempe, Head of Communication and Brand at Red Kite, said: "We're sorry to hear that our tenant has experienced issues since moving into his new home. Our contractors have attended several times to carry out repairs, so it is frustrating to hear that there continue to be issues.

"We are aiming to attend again today (8/12) to fix the toilet cistern and tap and will work with our tenant to ensure that everything is successfully resolved."