Planners have rejected a couple’s bid to knock down their home in a Bucks village and replace it with a new one.

Mr and Mrs Smith’s application for ‘River View’ – formerly known as Wrango Cottage – on Village Road, Denham was rejected by a Buckinghamshire Council planning committee.

The couple’s plans to demolish the existing bungalow and build a new three-bedroom single-storey dwelling had been recommended for conditional approval by a planning officer.

But Denham Parish Council called in the plans, which it described as ‘inappropriate development’ in the Green Belt.

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It said: “The proposed new dwelling totally ignores the specific character of the wider Denham village area.”

The plans for the site, which borders the River Misbourne, received four letters of objection and one letter of support.

Councillor Guy Hollis said the proposals did not comply with the policy of the South Bucks District Local Plan.

He told the committee: “Its siting design and external materials are not considered to be compatible with the character of the site, the adjoining development and the character of the area in general.

He added that the development did not fit in with the surrounding characteristics of Denham and its red brick and clay tiled properties.