Planners have refused permission for a modern new home that would ‘block a neighbour’s view of Windsor Castle’.

George Knowles’ plan to demolish the stallion barn and outbuildings at Dobsons Lane in the village of Fawley has been rejected by Buckinghamshire Council planning officers.

The Applicant had planned to replace the buildings with a modern two-storey ‘upside down house’.

This meant that the four bedrooms would have been on the ground floor, with the main living area on the first floor.

READ MORE: Planning: Big extension scrapped as privacy ‘invaded’

With its many windows, and relocation from the original barn’s position, the applicant claimed the new property would provide ‘breathtaking views over the surrounding valley’.

However, other residents of Fawley objected to the site due to potential light pollution and light reflection from the property’s many windows.

One resident also wrote: “The view from our small family home is very precious to us and currently stretches all the way to Windsor Castle.

“This proposed development would seriously undermine this view.”

Other residents argued that the new property would not fit in with the architecture of the village.

One said: “This large house is totally out of place and will devalue and chip away at what is unique and precious in Fawley. Something the owner has a big stake in – it’s an own goal.”