A 23-year-old man has been jailed after pleading guilty to several drug crimes.

Usman Raja, of Crown Leys, Aylesbury, was sentenced to five-and-a-half years and six months at Aylesbury Crown Court on Tuesday (21/5).

Raja pleaded guilty to one count of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, namely cocaine, and possession of criminal property.

This is in relation to an incident that happened on April 18 this year, when Raja was subject to a drug search by police officers in Parton Road in Aylesbury.

During the search an amount of cocaine was seized from Raja’s vehicle as well as an amount of cash and a mobile phone.

Raja was arrested at the scene and was charged with the offences the following day.

Investigating officer, PC Gary Ratcliffe said: “This is another case that demonstrates Thames Valley Police’s commitment to taking drugs off our streets.

“Our message is clear, if you are a drug dealer you will be arrested, charged and jailed.

“At the time of his arrest, Usman Raja was on prison licence for previous drugs offences, and so the court handed down a significant sentence.

“We need to work with our residents to take drugs off our streets. Therefore, if you suspect drug dealing in your community, contact us by calling 101 or leaving any information you have via our website.”