A TECHNOLOGY-focused school and sixth form in Northwood has celebrated its 10-year anniversary, alongside a host of pioneering university technical colleges.

A party from the school attended the Baker Dearing Educational Trust’s annual dinner and summer conference, where they celebrated the first decade of UTC Heathrow.

The trust, which supports university technical colleges (UTCs) across England, marked 10-year anniversaries for number of UTCs.

Chairs, governors, principals and staff heard from a number of guest speakers, including Baker Dearing chairman Lord Baker, who has been promoting UTCs in the House of Lords.

Like many of the new wave of STEM schools, UTC Heathrow opened in September 2014 with a new approach to educating 14 to 19-year-olds through a focus on technical subjects that bridge the gap between education and work.

All UTCs have STEM specialisms, and in Heathrow’s case it is Engineering and Digital. These are studied alongside core GCSE subjects. Post-16 the curriculum becomes more specialist.